Monday, July 7, 2014

To the Moon...

Article: Google is putting together a competition among private companies to send Earth's most precious relics to the moon, in case a cataclysmic event ever happens on Earth, destroying everything. The relics would be sent in a capsule that could survive for the next 10,000 years. Kids: what would you send? Already a capsule has gone into space with pictures of humans; sounds of nature; pictures of what humans have done on earth -- to memorialize humanity. An Israeli team wants to send the Torah.
Kids: what are some challenges they have to think about? The moon has extreme temperature changes. In the day, it can get up to 253 degrees; at night down to 279 degrees. Any capsule would have to withstand this. So far nothing has been created that can. But the Israeli team is currently working on something so the Torah can go to the moon and be preserved, just in case...

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