Monday, July 14, 2014

War in Israel Continues

Israel is now into its second week of war against Gaza, in Operation Protective Shield. As rockets pour into all different areas of Israel, people have 15 seconds from the time a siren sounds to get into a bomb shelter. A new Facebook page has been created for people to post pictures of themselves in bomb shelters. See those pictures here and "like" the page to show your support for brave Israelis.

Article: Remember in past current events we spoke about "cyber warfare"? How you can fight wars not only with weapons but online? Over the weekend, Hamas hackers tried to wage cyber warfare by hacking into Israel's Domino Pizza website. They posted a picture of a Hamas terrorist with a gun and a sign that said, Beware, We are Sending Thousands of Rockets Into Israel!" This was meant to make Israelis fearful. But instead Israel responding with humor. One person responded, "Please reserve a missile for me with jalapenos, green olives, extra cheese, and mushrooms. You have my address. Tell the delivery boy to activate the alarm when it is arriving, so I know to put my pants on." Another person put up a picture of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles eating pizza! When Domino's got their page back, they put up the message "You cannot defeat...the Israeli hunger for pizza!" Kids: what do you think of this way of responding? Was it successful?

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