Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How Did the Dinosaurs Die and Was it Just Bad Timing?

Article: Taking a break from Israel's war for a moment, let's look at this interesting article about why the dinos went extinct. The latest working theory is that an asteroid (Kids: what's an asteroid?) smashed into earth, creating so much dust and environmental turmoil all at the same time that all the dinosaurs went extinct. They simply couldn't breathe. The only animals to survive with tiny mammals, who buried underground and waited for the storm to subside. Without this asteroid crash in Mexico 66 million years ago, dinosaurs would still be around and dominant. Their only dinosaur-type to survive were birds, which could fly above the disaster. A new study also says that if the asteroid hit a few million years later or earlier, the dinosaurs would have survived the crash. Their extinction was the product of timing: the asteroid crash and a very vulnerable food web. At the time, dinosaurs were going through evolution of plant eating species. Plant eaters were particularly vulnerable. They didn't have enough time to evolve to confront the asteroid. As a result = extinction and rise of the mammals.

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