Thursday, July 3, 2014

Saturday-Sunday Weekend?

Article: Israel currently has a Friday-Saturday weekend. This means that school is Sunday-Friday and most people work half-days on Friday, to get ready for the Sabbath (Jews) or to celebrate their holy day (Muslims). However, there has been a movement since 2011 to get Israel to have the same weekend as the rest of the Western world -- Saturday and Sunday. A minister is about to propose it to the Israeli Knesset. Kids: make arguments for/against this idea. What do you think should happen and why?

(Some arguments: Israel would then be on the same schedule as the rest of the world, which would help Israel's economy; right now, Israel only works 4 work days the same as the rest of the world instead of 5; it would be harmful to religious Jews/Arabs who will take off part of Friday anyway; to make it happen, the workweek on Monday-Thursday would have to be lengthened and studies show people are less efficient the later they work).

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