Thursday, January 15, 2015

American Consulate in Jerusalem and Security Guards

Article: The American Consulate in Jerusalem has recently announced that it is hiring 35 new Palestinian security guards from East Jerusalem, who are being trained in Jordan and America on how to use weapons and fight. This is in direct violation of an agreement between Israel and the Consulate, which says that only former IDF soldiers protecting the consulate may have weapons. Why do you think Israel has this agreement? Some of the Palestinians being trained have spent time in Israeli jail for throwing stones at Israelis or have relatives who have been convicted for terrorism or are part of Hamas. There are other Palestinian guards in the consulate, but none who have weapons and strategic training. Why do you think that Israel is worried that these people will now have weapons? Do you think these people are a threat? The US consulate claims that it wants Palestinian guards to take them to the West Bank, not Israeli guards. Some claim that the new head of the US Consulate in Jerusalem is anti-Israel; he has fired 7 Israeli guards since he arrived and only 1 Palestinian guard; his most senior adviser is someone who spent time in Israeli jail for being part of the PLO and another employee's relative is the head of Hamas in Jerusalem.

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