Thursday, January 8, 2015

Israeli 9th Grade Girls Conduct Ground Breaking Science Experiment about Space!

Article: Four 9th grade girls from Bat Yam, Israel, wanted to study how low gravity conditions in space influence the development of shrimp eggs compared to the influence of the earth's environment on shrimp eggs. The purpose was to see if living organisms can develop in space. Their experiment was chosen out of more than 50 high schools around the country because it was creative, innovative, and had potential for continued scientific experiments. The girls go to a special school established in memory of the late Israeli astronaut Col. Ilan Ramon.

The girls' experiment was conducted on the International Space Station. They prepared a special test tube with a divider between the shrimp eggs on one side and salt, water, and oxygen (needed for the eggs' growth) on the other. US astronauts took the tubes to space and carefully removed the divider according to the girls' instructions, connecting the two parts of the tube. Meanwhile, the girls did the same experiment at their school. A few weeks ago, they got their test results. The eggs developed and multiplied slower in space than on land. The girls presented their research at a festival at their school. Scientists around the world have praised their experiment and their findings and posted them on international websites.

How do you think this study will impact future research? What experiment would you like to do? 

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