Thursday, January 29, 2015

Israeli Robo-Printer Wins International Prize

Article: a Jerusalem start-up company has won the top technology prize for its robo printer, beating out industry giants and thousands of other products at the Las Vegas electronics show. The Israeli portable, palm-sized printer works by running across a page and printing out text exactly like a regular printer would do. But instead of loading paper into a feed, the content is loaded directly onto the paper. It prints in about the same time as a regular printer--about 40 seconds. It has a rechargeable battery with an off-on switch, can be connected to a computer and can print on any size piece of paper. 

The Innovation Award is extremely coveted in the industry. The Israeli company can now put a sticker on its products which says it is the winner of the Innovation Award. This is especially exciting for the small Israeli start-up. It was expensive for them to come to the contest--they had to rent a booth, buy plane tickets and hotels, hire PR, etc. When asked about the award, one of the Israelis said, "Beyond the honor this award brings to the Israeli electronics industry, it also helps out the other Israeli companies at CES by drawing attention to Israeli innovation, and to Israel as an advanced, technologically advanced, country.” What do you think? How is this good for spreading Israel's story? How is this product good for people in general? 

Watch a video about it here

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