Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Who's a Better Teacher: A Person or a Computer?

Article: A classroom in New York is experimenting with a computer being the teacher! In the 6th grade math class at Boody High School in Brooklyn, classrooms are blended. This means computers choose which students sit together, figure out what the children know and how well they know it, choose what problems the children should work on and give teachers which lesson to teach next.

Here's how it works: When 6th graders arrive in class, they log onto their laptop or check a computer at the front of the room. It tells them where to sit and what kind of lesson they'll do. A computer voice "teaches" them at their various stations. However the students do answering questions decides where they will sit and what they will learn the next day.

So far researchers don't know if this makes students learn math better. Some say it only works if the teacher and computer work together. But some teachers are letting the computers do all the work, and so the kids aren't learning. Teachers like that it reduces their workload, especially for grading papers and deciding homework. But others say it reduces creativity. What do you think of this style of teaching

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