Monday, January 5, 2015

Recycling in Israel

Welcome back to the blog after the holiday season! In honor of my having laryngitis and not being able to share any current event with my kids, today's kick-off current event is a video. This video, encouraging Israelis to recycle, went viral in Israel. Share the video with your kids and then ask:

  • What color is the recycling trash can in Israel? What color is it in your neighborhood? 
  • What types of things were they recycling in the video? Do we recycle those things? 
  • What did the girl on the balcony say after she made her shot? ("Yesh!") This word has two meanings in Hebrew (YES! and "have") Use it in a sentence, using both meanings. 
  • Can you make a shot like they did in the video? Try with a trash can at home. 

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