Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Obituary: Bess Myerson, First Jewish Miss America, Dies at 90

Article: Bess Myerson, 1945 Miss America, died at 90 in Santa Monica this week. Bess  was born in the Bronx in 1924, the second of three daughters. Her younger brother, Joseph, died at age 3 of diphtheria. Her father was a handyman, carpenter and painter of houses.She grew up in a very Jewish housing project, surrounded by artists and musicians. Bess was a gifted pianist, starting to play at age 9 and later accepted into a prestigious music high school. Her family was poor; she gave piano lessons at $.50/hour just to pay for her own lessons. Her sister, Sylvia, entered her picture into a NYC pageant because the winner would get a scholarship to college. Bess won the contest and then Miss America, wearing a white bathing suit, playing Gershwin on the flute and Grieg on the piano. She was the first and only Jewish Miss America, crowned just days after WWII ended. She was tall at 5'10" and had luxurious brown hair. She was also very smart and witty--unusual for most women in the Miss America contest. When she won Miss America, the announcer shouted, "Beauty with brains, that’s Miss America of 1945!” Every Jew at the time felt that Bess' victory was their victory.

Unfortunately, because of anti-Semitism, few sponsors wanted a Jewish Miss America to endorse their products. When she toured the country after the pageant, many country clubs and hotels wouldn't let her in. As a result, her tour was cut short. Ms. Myerson said she felt very rejected. She continued to perform piano concerts ando helped Jewish charities, like the ADL. She led two New York City agencies, advised three presidents, and advocated for social causes and politicians, such as Jewish NY Mayor Ed Koch. Many say Koch would never have won if not for Ms. Myerson' endorsement. She even tried to be a Senator! She married twice. Later in her life, when asked if she was glad she had been Miss America, she replied, I needed money and wanted to be a concert pianist. That's why I did it.


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