Monday, October 28, 2013

Auto-Complete Problems on Google

Article: Right now, if you type "Jews should" or "Women should" into Google/bing/yahoo search engines, the auto-complete function often responds with terrible suggestions about Jews and women. The auto-complete titles are anti-Semitic or sexist. Same thing if you type in "blacks should" or "gays should." Some organizations have approached Google to change this but Google says it is not its responsibility because the algorithms are done based on popularity and other means, not by humans.

  • What is a search engine?
  • Should Google or other search engines by responsible for auto-complete or should the public decide?
  • Argue both sides of the argument (free speech v. responsibility of company to curtail bad speech)
  • Try typing words into a search engine and see how auto-complete works. Were you surprised by what was suggested?

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