Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Corruption; A Chinese Circus

Follow up to last week's video/article about the Palestinian Authority: According to a new report by the European Court, the PA has "lost" nearly €1.95 billion in aid money due to corruption and mismanagement. (Speak with kids about how much money this is and how sad it is that it has all been wasted; what can be done in the future, etc.)

Today's Article: My son requested a current event about animals. Here goes. In China, animal performances are outlawed. However, a circus was still scheduling animal performances. The shows would have included bears twirling flaming sticks while lying on their backs; tigers riding horses; moneys riding goats. Animal rights activists organized a boycott and succeeded in getting the circus to cancel its shows.

  • What is a boycott? Why are they successful? 
  • Why did these animal rights activists want to boycott the circus? How was it going to hurt/exploit animals? 
  • What is a way to have a circus without hurting animals? (Cirque du Soleil as an example)
  • Bonus: here's a video of a circus that doesn't hurt animals (but notice they dress up as animals)

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