Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Can Some Babies Already be Smarter than Other Babies?

Article: A new study has found that 18 month old babies from wealthier families (median incomes greater than $69,000) already had a language advantage over their poorer peers (median incomes of $24,000). The study tested this by showing 18 month-olds pictures of things they could recognize by pointing to (dog; ball); the babies from wealthier families could identify the images much faster and in the following 6 months, their vocabularies grew by 30% more than the babies from poorer families. The study attributed this to the fact that wealthier families speak with their babies more and reinforce vocabulary more. These babies thus not only have more words, but eventually will have better reading comprehension in school. The end result is that even by the time they are only 18 months old, the academic outcome for these babies far surpasses poorer babies.

  • How does knowing a lot of words help you read--and understand what you are reading--better? How does reading, spelling and vocabulary help you succeed in school more?
  • How does your school performance help you later in life? (Getting into university; getting a job, etc.)
  • Why are people worried that babies not knowing as many words could impact them for life? 
  • What are solutions? (Starting public preschool at earlier ages). How would this help?

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