Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ugandan Female Soldier in the IDF

Article: Or Meidan, a non-Jew from Uganda, just entered the Israeli army as a soldier. She moved to Israel two years ago with her family. At first they lived on a Kibbutz, Yad Mordechi, and rockets were flying into the Kibbutz every day from Hamas controlled Gaza. She planned to enroll in university upon arrival but decided to become a soldier instead. She was inspired by her step-father, a native Israeli. She proudly wants to serve her country. At first, this was a really hard choice. She didn't speak much Hebrew and had to enroll in ulpan (Hebrew immersion). She was then drafted into the Air Defense Command, charged with operating the Iron Dome system which protects Israelis from the very rockets she and her familiy were threatened by when they arrived in Israel. She hopes to become an Iron Dome commander one day and train others to save lives. Although she is not Jewish, she intends to convert. She says converting to Judaism, "just feels right."

  • What do you think were the hardest parts for Or when she moved to Israel? 
  • Why did she want to join the IDF? 
  • What makes her story unusual?

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