Thursday, October 31, 2013

Arab Minorities in Israel

Article: Israeli Finance Minister Yair Lapid addressed Israeli Arabs at a conference on Israeli Arab economics. He said that Jews should instinctively sympathize with Arab minorities in Israel, because Jews were minorities for so long. He also said that a Jewish democracy is a contradiction because a democracy makes everyone equal yet Judaism is favored as a premise of the Jewish state. He said that the best thing to do is for Arabs to be as educated as possible and to fully integrate themselves. He thought the best way to do this was through the National Service Program (instead of serving in the army), which would integrate them into Israeli society and give back to their own communities.

  • In June, we spoke in this blog about Arab Israelis volunteering for National Service. What did we discuss and find out? 
  • What does it mean to integrate? Why do Arabs have problems integrating today? Who is to blame and what does Lapid think can be done to fix it?
  • Why do the Jews need a Jewish nation of their own? 
  • Bonus: How many states are in the world? 193. Name a few nation-states, defined as states that have a common homogenous nation defining them? (Japan, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria) How many of these are Jewish nations? (Answer: 1)

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