Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Disneyland: People with Disabilites Can Skip the Lines

Article: Starting today, Disneyland is launching a special ticket to people with disabilities. This ticket will enable them to skip the long lines by receiving a return time when they can come back and immediately jump on the ride. This is similar to the FastPass system that's universally available. Disneyland decided to start this new system because people were abusing the old system, which was that anyone with a disability could just skip the line and jump right to the front.

Discussion Questions:
  • What does it mean to have a disability? Name some examples. What is the "sign" of someone with a disability? (Blue sidewalk; wheelchair symbol)
  • Why do people with disabilities deserve to skip the line? (It's hard for them to wait, etc.)
  • What does it mean that people were "abusing" the old system?
  • What other solutions could Disneyland have found besides this new system? (Keep in mind Disneyland does not require proof of disability to receive a disability ticket) 
  • If you've been to Disneyland, do you remember seeing anyone with a wheelchair or visible disability there?

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