Monday, October 14, 2013

UN Spread Deadly Disease in Haiti

Article: For the last three years, the nation of Haiti has been combating a deadly and highly contagious disease, cholera, known to be spread through human feces/poop. 1,000 Haitians are dying a year from this disease. An organization is suing the United Nations for bringing and spreading the disease in Haiti. Forensic studies have traced cholera to bad sanitation at the UN barracks of Nepalese peacekeeping workers. The feces fed into Haiti's largest river, used by locals for drinking and bathing. This led to the spread of cholera. The UN has responded that it is not responsible and if it is, the UN has diplomatic immunity from negligence lawsuits.

  • We have fancy and simple ways of saying the same words. "Poop" and "feces" is one example. Can you think of others? (Pretty/ravishing; sick/ill; doctor/physician)
  • How can feces contamination lead to terrible diseases? What do we do every day to prevent this? (Wash our hands after going to the bathroom)
  • Why are some people suing the UN? What do they want? (Money and acknowledgement of wrongdoing)
  • Why does "diplomatic immunity" mean? (That they aren't responsible when things go wrong because they are like a government). Why do you think of this idea? Discuss pros/cons. (U.N. may not be willing to help in countries if they didn't get diplomatic immunity)

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