Monday, October 7, 2013

European Council Passes Resolution Against Circumcision

Summary of Article: The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has adopted a non-binding resolution, forbidding circumcision (and female genital mutilation) unless the child is over age 15 and can consent. The resolution passed overwhelmingly. The goal of the resolution is to initiate public discussion that will eventually lead European states to outlaw circumcision. The Council of European is seen as the most preeminent body on democracy and human rights issues in Europe. While the resolution has no legal force, many European organizations fear that this will be perceived as a professional recommendation leading to a wave of anti-circumcision legislation across Europe. Some Jews fear that it is has anti-Semitic intent.

Discussion with Kids:

  • What is circumcision/brit millah/bris? Why do Jews practice this? (Covenant with God)
  • What other religion does this? (Muslim men, around age 13)
  • Why are some in Europe trying to stop this? Why would it be very hard to be a self-identified Jew in Europe if circumcision is prohibited? 
  • If you were living in Europe, what would you do? (Can talk about how many French Jews are now moving to Israel and America)

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