Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Fox" Store in Ramallah: The Conclusion

Summary of Article: Two weeks ago, I blogged about the opening of an Israeli "Fox" store in Ramallah, the first of its kind in the West Bank. The two businessmen seeking to open it just decided not to do so, under tremendous pressure from those who do not want "normalization" with Israel. The store would have provided jobs to 150 Palestinians; it is a blow to the West Bank economy. Those protesting, which included activists and journalists, do not want any Israeli store or person in the West Bank. (Parents: This is part of a trend. See recent remarks by President Abbas that he wants a future Palestinian state to be Israeli/Jew free.)

See a great video on a work situation where Palestinians and Israelis work in harmony.

Questions for Kids:
  • Israelis and Palestinians are currently in peace negotiations. How would the opening of Fox been a possible path to peace? Why is this news a disappointment?   
  • Why would this store have been good for Palestinians? How would it have helped so many more people than just the 150 workers? (Each worker probably supports an entire extended family on his/her salary)
  • How are those against "normalization" hurting Palestinians?

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