Monday, July 22, 2013

Israeli Clothing Store, "Fox," To Open in Ramallah

Summary of Article: Israeli-owned clothing store, Fox, is opening a store in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Some Palestinians are excited about this development, others are protesting. They say that they want no sign of normalized relations with Israel, do not want to support Israeli products, and fear economic cooperation could lead to political cooperation. Fox is a worldwide chain.

Questions for Kids:

  • Why is Fox choosing to open a store in the West Bank? Why hasn't it done so previously? (Fears of terrorism; lack of opportunity; time is ripe now; think they could succeed economically)
  • If you were Palestinian, make arguments for and against Fox. Ditto for if you were Israeli. 
  • What does "peace" and "coexistence" mean? 
  • Why is opening an Israeli store in an Arab city a sign of coexistence and possible peace? Why is this important to the region? 
  • What are other ways to bring peace? 
  • Look on map: find Ramallah and Israel

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