Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Woman Victim of Car Scam--Twice!

Summary of Article: An 18-year old woman sought to buy a used car from a California couple off of Craigslist. She paid $10,000 for the car and drove it home. The next day it was gone. It turns out her title to the car was fake and the couple had stolen back the car. The police found the Craigslist ad and arranged a fake meeting. The police arrested the couple, after they first tried to flee. They are currently being held in jail. The police are asking people to contact them if they have been victims of a similar theft by this couple.

After telling the story of the article, here are some questions to ask
  • Why could the 18-year old victim have done to protect herself better? 
  • What are the crimes the couple will likely be charged with (transferring fake title; grand theft; resisting arrest)? 
  • Why do the police want to know if there are other victims? Why is it likely that there are? 
  • Why is it preferable to sometimes buy things from places like Craigslist/eBay? What are things to beware of when buying things from these sites?

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