Monday, July 29, 2013

Saudi Princess Fails to Show up For Her Arraignment on Human Trafficking

Summary of Article: A Saudi princess, one of 6 wives of  Saudi Prince, has been arrested in California on charges of human trafficking. Her domestic servant, a Kenyan woman, worked for the Saudi princess for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, for $220/month. She did not get vacation. Her passport was held in a locked safety deposit box so she could not flee. She managed to call police with the help from someone she met on a bus. The Saudi princess, who left custody on $5 million bail put out by the Saudi Consulate, did not show up for her arraignment today. That is quite serious. If convicted, she could face up to 12 years in prison, but first the police have to find her. She was in America on a temporary visa.

Note: for an entertaining and eye-opening memoir on this subject, check out Driving the Saudis: A Chauffeur's Tale of the World's Richest Princesses

Questions to Ask Kids:
  • What does it mean to be a domestic worker? (Housekeeper, nanny, babysitter, cleaning lady, gardener, chauffeur, etc.) What are ways to treat domestic workers with respect and what are examples of not showing respect?
  • Why is the Saudi Princess guilty of a crime? What did she do wrong? 
  • What additional crime is the princess now guilty of? Why is it a crime to flee bail?
  • We have minimum wage in America. What does this mean? It is now at $8/hour. If the Saudi Princess paid minimum wage, as she was required to do, how much should the domestic worker have earned? $3840 (Not to mention time off and access to her passport)

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