Monday, July 15, 2013

Iran Weeks Away from Crossing "Red Line"

Summary of Article: For a while now, we have discussed in this blog about the threat of Iran and nuclear capability. Netanyahu, Israel's PM, has just announced that Iran is weeks away from actually acquiring the uranium it needs to possess nuclear weapons, at the same time that Obama has just announced renewed efforts to try to talk Iran out of its nuclear ambitions. Netanyahu has firmly said he will not allow Iran to cross the red line, meaning Israel will take military action; Obama seems to prefer diplomatic action. Netanyahu is also concerned that because of all the turmoil in Egypt and Syria right now, the world's attention is not on Iran and Iran is getting away with building up its nuclear program.

Discussion with kids:
  • Explain about how Iran, under the new president, is quickly reaching the point of no return regarding uranium enrichment. 
  • Why is it extremely important that Iran not get nuclear weapons? 
  • Why is Israel more worried about this than America? (Israel is closer geographically)
  • If you wanted to stop Iran, what would you do? Explain sanctions, diplomatic talks, military action. Discuss pros/cons of each method and what has worked in the past. 
  • Israel bombed and destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor in the 1980s. Many suspect Israel will take similar action against Iran. Is this a good/bad idea? If Israel chooses to do this, what are ways we can show our support for Israel and help her? (Rallies; write letters; send donations)

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