Monday, July 8, 2013

Gay Marriage

Summary of Article: The Supreme Court has ruled that states may decide whether to legalize gay marriage, in a sense giving a go-ahead to gay marriage in America and its related issues--gay adoption, health benefits, etc. In California, gay marriage is now legal as a result of the Supreme Court decision. Last week, Rabbi Wolpe, the head rabbi of Sinai Temple and a leader of the conservative movement, announced that he will begin performing gay marriages. This has led many in his congregation to oppose him, stating that classical Jewish literature does not approve of gay marriage.

Questions for Kids After Explaining Article:
  • What does it mean to be gay? What does it mean that gay marriage is now legal in America? 
  • There is a difference between civil law and religious law. What do "civil" and "religious" mean and how can they have laws that are different? Give an example. (Religious Jewish law says you cannot eat non-kosher meat but American civil law says any type of restaurant is ok). Religious law and civil law can both exist in the same society. 
  • What does it mean that a rabbi will perform gay marriage? What does it mean that some people say this is against Jewish law but the rabbi says it is ok under Jewish law? (I will discuss with my kids how there are different strains of Judaism and each person follows what he/she is comfortable/what their family traditions are).
  • Bonus: speak with your kids about your thoughts on gay marriage or what your rabbi/religious leader says about the gay marriage

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