Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lance Armstrong: Part II

Summary: In January, we spoke about Lance Armstrong's confession to using drugs to win the Tour de France. (See posting). A new article has just come out speaking about the ramifications of his confession. As a result of his confession, the Department of Justice civil lawyers are suing for fraud, claiming damages with a potential award of $120 million, because the U.S. Postal Service sponsored Armstrong. (He wore US Postal Service insignia on his clothes when racing.) Armstrong claims there was no fraud or damages: The US Postal Service got tremendous exposure by sponsoring Armstrong and that was all they sought. There are also possible criminal charges against him for intimidation, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice, as well as possible plaintiff class actions. Many in the legal community are wondering why Armstrong would open himself up to gong to jail and losing his entire fortune (estimated at millions) by confessing. He could have just remained silent. 
(Source: CA Lawyer Magazine, July 2013)

Questions for Kids:
  • Review: What did Armstrong do wrong? What does it mean to lose your reputation? In what way has Armstrong lost his reputation? 
  • Armstrong confessed to doing wrong on an interview. No one made him confess. Why did he choose to?
  • What have the pros/cons of choosing to confess? 
  • Discuss all the ramifications. What do you think Armstrong should have done?

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