Monday, July 1, 2013

Unrest in Egypt

Summary of Article: This weekend, there have been violent protests in Egypt. Thousands, many of them teenagers, have been protesting the lack of any economic stability or jobs in Egypt, and have demanded the ouster of the new Muslim Brotherhood president Morsi. So far the protestors have the military backing and have been peaceful, almost festive. Morsi has yet to resign and seems unsure of how to proceed, not knowing what steps to take to meet the protestors' demands. Click on link for video of protests.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Egypt, which is just south of Israel, is trying to create a new government. They recently got rid of their president and elected a new president who many feel is not making the necessary changes. 
  • Egypt is largely agricultural. What does this mean? 
  • Many of the people graduating from Egyptian colleges find themselves with no jobs. They are protesting the lack of economic future in their country. What can be done to create jobs? 
  • If you are unhappy with your government in America, how do you show it? How are they showing it in Egypt? Why doesn't the American way work there right now? (No freedom of expression, speech, press, etc.)

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