Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Women Sue In Israel to Obtain Right to Serve as Kosher Supervisors

Summary of Article: Kosher restaurants must have a moshgiach, or kosher supervisor, on the premises to ensure that the food is kosher. A group in Israel, Emunah, trains women to be supervisors so they can apply for these jobs. In 2010, the Chief Rabbinate in Israel issued a law that said one can only be a moshgiach if one has studied in a yeshiva for a minimum of four years. But only men may study in yeshiva, thereby precluding women from being kosher supervisors. Haredi women have worked as kosher supervisors for years and are well-respected in this trade. It is also one of the few jobs haredi women can pursue outside the home. Emunah has sued the Rabbinate to compel them to recognize their certificate for women in kosher supervision.

Questions for Kids:
  • What is a moshgiach? Why is this necessary to make sure the food is kosher? 
  • What does it mean to make a law that is only open to men? In America, we call this a discriminatory law. Why? What about it is unfair? 
  • What are the arguments that the Chief Rabbinate will make and Emunah will make before the judges.
  • Who do you think should win?

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