Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Baby Boomers May Be On Their Own

Summary of Article: Baby boomers are the generation of babies born right after World War II, in which there was an explosion in population growth. (For kids using this blog, baby boomers are your grandparents.) In the next 13 years, most baby boomers will be in their 80s. Today, the baby boomers are the main caregivers of their parents. But in 13 years, there won't be enough caregivers to take care of the baby boomers because of changing demographic ratios. Many elderly assume that their children will be able to sustain them in old age financially and physically. But this may not be true for the baby boomers.

Questions for Kids:
  • Do you know any baby boomers? Who? Why was this expression created? 
  • What is the problem facing baby boomers when they become elderly? What does "changing demographic" mean? Break it down and explain. 
  • Most people do not work when they are elderly. How do they support themselves? (Pensions; retirement savings; children's support). Why are baby boomers worried? (There aren't as many people in the generations after them, to support their retirements and keep the economy going)
  • What would you do today if you were a baby boomer and you were worried about this?

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