Thursday, August 8, 2013

Poland Bans Kosher Slaughter

Summary of Article: Poland has recently passed a law prohibiting shechita, or Jewish ritual slaughter of kosher animals. Norway, Sweden and Denmark have long had similar bans. Israel and others have sharply criticized Poland for doing this and says it makes life untenable for Jews in Poland--a nascent form of anti-Semitism. Polish lawmakers contend the law was to protect animal rights.

Questions for Kids:
  • What makes an animal kosher? (Whether it is listed as a kosher animal in the Bible/Torah and how you kill it). 
  • This is an element of "ritual Judaism." What are other examples of ritual Judaism? (Circumcision, mikvah, keeping kosher, etc.)
  • Poland's banning of ritual Judaism makes it hard to be an observant Jew in Poland. Why? 
  • Why has this law made many Jews and Israel angry?

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