Thursday, August 29, 2013

Obama to Try to Lower College Tuition Costs

Summary of Article: Obama has announced a plan to try to lower the cost of college tuition, which seems to be rising every year. Most families cannot afford college tuition without taking on student loans, which can take years to repay. Obama's plan is to (1) reward colleges that keep tuition costs down by having them rise in ratings. This provides an incentive. (2) Schools with higher ratings would qualify for larger federal grants.

Questions for Kids:
  1. How do you pay for college? If you don't have enough money to pay, how do you get money? 
  2. What does "incentive" mean? How is Obama's plan an incentive plan?
  3. Can you think of something in your life that you didn't want to do that you ended up doing because you were offered an incentive, perhaps by your parents? 
  4. Discuss the pros/cons of Obama's plan.

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