Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Can Parents Name Their Child "Messiah?"

Summary of Article: A couple had a baby and named him Messiah. A Tennessee judge just rejected that name, saying it that "it’s a title that has only been earned by one person and that one person is Jesus Christ.” Ironically, 762 other babies were given the name Messiah last year, indicating that this judge's opinion will be overruled. The government can strike names that are too long, have weird punctuation or for other reasons. For instance, a New York judge legally struck a family's request to change their last name to "ChristIsKing" because it would be very awkward in light of their children's names: their daughter, Rejoice ChristIsKing, and son JesusisLord ChristIsKing, may cause discomfort to others having to say their names outloud. The ACLU is helping the "Messiah" boy family appeal their decision.

Questions for Kids:
  • Should you be able to name your child anything you want? Why or why not?
  • Why did the judges think the above names were inappropriate? 
  • What are 3 names you love/don't love and why?

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