Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Should Children Be Detained for Stone Throwing?

Summary of Article: In parts of the West Bank, some Palestinians throw stones at Israelis. This has caused many injuries and even some Israeli deaths, especially when stones are thrown into cars, causing accidents. Israeli law says that anyone under the age of 12 cannot be arrested, put in jail, arraigned, etc. However, they do not just allow children under 12 to keep throwing rocks, because it can be a danger to the children and to those the children are targeting. So the policy is that for children under 12, Israeli soldiers may remove the child from the scene and bring him/her home or turn him/her over to the Palestinian Social Services department.

Questions for Kids:
  • Why is rock throwing dangerous? What is a famous story in Jewish tradition about someone who throws a rock and kills someone? (David and Goliath)
  • Some Palestinian children are taught to throw rocks at Israelis. Why is this dangerous? 
  • What should Israel do about it? 

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