Monday, August 5, 2013

Generations of Identical Twins

Summary of Article: Here's a fun piece for today's current event. Fraternal twins are fairly common but identical twins occur in only 3 of 1000 pregnancies. They are so unusual, there is an annual conference identical twins each year in Ohio. About 15 years ago, identical twin brothers went to the conference. One of the brothers met an identical twin girl and fell in love. His brother fell in love with her sister. They had one wedding, with the girls wearing matching wedding dresses and the father walking both girls down the aisle at the same time. They moved next door to each other in Texas. And one of the sets of twins had identical twin boys. The chance of identical twins marrying and having identical twins is one in millions. How amazing is that?

Questions for Kids:
  • What are identical twins? How are they different from fraternal twins? 
  • If you lived next door to two sets of identical twins, how would you tell them apart? How do parents and friends tell apart identical twins? 

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