Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Racism in Switzerland

Summary of Article: Oprah Winfrey, an African-American entertainer and one of the world's richest women, was visiting Switzerland for a wedding. She went to an expensive store and saw a nice purse. When Oprah asked to see it, the sales clerk refused, saying Oprah would not be able to afford the purse, which was $38,000. Oprah tried a few more times to see it, but was denied. Zurich's tourism office has since apologized to Oprah.

Questions for Kids:
  • Why did the sales clerk not allow Oprah to see the purse? What was she assuming based on how Oprah looked? 
  • This is called "racism." How do you think Oprah felt when this happened? 
  • Why was Switzerland embarressed that this happened? 
  • Every group has stereotypes about it. What are things we can do to stop from spreading stereotypes?

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