Monday, August 26, 2013

Syria Appeals to U.S. and Israel for Help

Summary of Article: For over two years, there has been a civil war in Syria, between the Assad Regime and rebels. The Assad Regime--backed by militant Islamists, Gulf regimes and Iran who are sending weapons--has recently used chemical weapons, killing thousands. Obama said that if chemical weapons were used, the U.S. would intervene, but so far America has done nothing. Syrian rebels have called to the U.S. and Israel to help them in the war.

Questions for Kids:
  • Where is Syria? Find on map? 
  • President Assad has ruled Syria for years as a ruthless dictator. Why are the people rebelling and asking for a new president? 
  • Why have the rebels asked Israel and America for help, instead of other Muslim/Arab countries? (Speak about recent Israeli bombing of Assad's weapon caches)
  • Why hasn't America intervened yet, when it said it would? (Speak about wars in Afghanistan and Iraq)
  • What does "alliance" mean? Give an example in your life of an ally. What does "political alliance" between countries mean? Explain how that is at work here.

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