Monday, August 19, 2013

Baby Stealing in China

Summary of Article: In a province in China, a local obstetrician, known fondly as "Auntie," has delivered babies for year. It has recently been discovered that she has been stealing babies shortly after their birth and selling them for money to families who want babies. After a mother gives birth, she tells the family that there is something incurably wrong with the baby (a serious deformity) and that she'll "take care of it." Then she sells the baby to smugglers. It seems she has done this with around 55 babies. The families are devastated.

Questions for Kids:
  • This could never happen in America because of security procedures in hospitals: matching wrist bracelets, alarms, supervision of doctors, etc. Talk about how American babies are protected from things like this.  
  • There are bad guys in the world and good guys. Not every bad guy looks like he/she is bad. Some pretend to be good people. How did that happen here? 
  • Who are the good guys in this story? (The detectives and prosecutors who carefully tracked down what was happening and have arrested Auntie)
  • What charges should Auntie be arraigned on? What punishment should she get if you were the judge? 
  • In China, there is a law that parents can only have one child. Why do they have this law? Does this change how you view this story, in terms of parents willingness to say have their baby taken?

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