Thursday, October 31, 2013

Arab Minorities in Israel

Article: Israeli Finance Minister Yair Lapid addressed Israeli Arabs at a conference on Israeli Arab economics. He said that Jews should instinctively sympathize with Arab minorities in Israel, because Jews were minorities for so long. He also said that a Jewish democracy is a contradiction because a democracy makes everyone equal yet Judaism is favored as a premise of the Jewish state. He said that the best thing to do is for Arabs to be as educated as possible and to fully integrate themselves. He thought the best way to do this was through the National Service Program (instead of serving in the army), which would integrate them into Israeli society and give back to their own communities.

  • In June, we spoke in this blog about Arab Israelis volunteering for National Service. What did we discuss and find out? 
  • What does it mean to integrate? Why do Arabs have problems integrating today? Who is to blame and what does Lapid think can be done to fix it?
  • Why do the Jews need a Jewish nation of their own? 
  • Bonus: How many states are in the world? 193. Name a few nation-states, defined as states that have a common homogenous nation defining them? (Japan, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria) How many of these are Jewish nations? (Answer: 1)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why are there so many peanut allergies these days?

Today's blog post is in honor of a 7 year old girl who asked a phenomenal question about why there are more peanut allergies than ever before. Let's find out the answer. If your child has a question or topic they would like to explore, please let me know!

Article: Peanut allergies have tripled (some say doubled) over the last decade. One study in Minnesota with this finding may not have even captured everyone with a peanut allergy, because it only included people whose allergy was confirmed in a lab, not everyone who self-reports peanut allergies.  Kids with peanut allergies have to be extremely careful to avoid exposure to peanuts because exposure could result in an emergency situation. Why this increase in allergies? Scientists aren't sure.
  • One of the most common answers is that our immune system is overactive (also explaining the higher rates in autoimmune diseases today). We have so sanitized and cleaned our environment, that the diseases our body is used to fighting--cholera, tuberculosis, influenza--simply don't happen anymore. Instead our bodies have started to turn on themselves and hurt our immune systems, or cause us to have allergies. Actually many doctors are now saying kids need more time with germs and dirt to make their bodies healthier! 
  • Another explanation is that we have overexposure to certain foods, causing us to have allergies. For instance, by eating too much soy (or foods containing soy), we become allergic to soy. 
  • Another explanation is that some kids may have had indirect exposure to peanuts through the womb or their mother's breast milk, and then when they eat peanuts for the first time as a child, their body mistakenly treats it as a dangerous threat, and causes the person to be allergic.
 Discussion Questions:
  • If you're allergic to peanuts and are exposed, what are your likely reactions? (Hives, vomiting,  swelling of the face/lips/throat, severe stomach pain, asthma, anaphylactic shock)
  • What else are kids allergic to besides peanuts? (Peanut allergies are the first most common allergy in children, followed by milk/dairy and then shellfish.)
  • Why do some doctors think kids are too clean and germ-free? Why is this a bad thing perhaps? 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bnei Menashe Approved to Move to Israel

Article: Approximately 900 people from Bnei Menashe--Jews claiming to descend from the biblical tribe of Menashe--have been approved by the Israeli Knesset to make aliyah. They are joining a previous aliyah wave and will come over the next year. They live in India and Burma and are formally converting to Judaism from Christianity. Before being converted to Christianity by missionaries, the tribe practiced animism (praying to animals/plants/physical world) and headhunting (taking and severing a person's head after killing them). They believe that their founder was Menashe, from one of the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Auto-Complete Problems on Google

Article: Right now, if you type "Jews should" or "Women should" into Google/bing/yahoo search engines, the auto-complete function often responds with terrible suggestions about Jews and women. The auto-complete titles are anti-Semitic or sexist. Same thing if you type in "blacks should" or "gays should." Some organizations have approached Google to change this but Google says it is not its responsibility because the algorithms are done based on popularity and other means, not by humans.

  • What is a search engine?
  • Should Google or other search engines by responsible for auto-complete or should the public decide?
  • Argue both sides of the argument (free speech v. responsibility of company to curtail bad speech)
  • Try typing words into a search engine and see how auto-complete works. Were you surprised by what was suggested?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Clean your mezuzah!

Article: There is a practice of touching and/or kissing a mezuzah with your fingers when leaving or entering a room. A 2009 study by Israeli doctors of 70 mezuzot in an Israeli hospital found significant bacteria on the mezuzot, suggesting that touching them can lead to spreading disease. However, doctors at a Brooklyn hospital recently repeated the study with 100 mezuzot and did not find the same results. While the mezuzot had some microbes, they did not reach the level of growing infectious diseases. At the Israeli hsopital, the mezuzot were never cleaned, for fear of ruining the mezuzot. At the Brooklyn hospital, the staff were told to clean the mezuzot regularly.

Questions for Kids:
  • Do you ever touch or kiss mezuzot? Why do some Jews have this custom? 
  • How do germs get on the mezuzot? 
  • Why do you think diseases-causing microbes were found in the Israeli hospital mezuzot but not in the New York ones? 
  • What other things are touched regularly that should probably be cleaned to avoid spreading germs?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Can Some Babies Already be Smarter than Other Babies?

Article: A new study has found that 18 month old babies from wealthier families (median incomes greater than $69,000) already had a language advantage over their poorer peers (median incomes of $24,000). The study tested this by showing 18 month-olds pictures of things they could recognize by pointing to (dog; ball); the babies from wealthier families could identify the images much faster and in the following 6 months, their vocabularies grew by 30% more than the babies from poorer families. The study attributed this to the fact that wealthier families speak with their babies more and reinforce vocabulary more. These babies thus not only have more words, but eventually will have better reading comprehension in school. The end result is that even by the time they are only 18 months old, the academic outcome for these babies far surpasses poorer babies.

  • How does knowing a lot of words help you read--and understand what you are reading--better? How does reading, spelling and vocabulary help you succeed in school more?
  • How does your school performance help you later in life? (Getting into university; getting a job, etc.)
  • Why are people worried that babies not knowing as many words could impact them for life? 
  • What are solutions? (Starting public preschool at earlier ages). How would this help?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ugandan Female Soldier in the IDF

Article: Or Meidan, a non-Jew from Uganda, just entered the Israeli army as a soldier. She moved to Israel two years ago with her family. At first they lived on a Kibbutz, Yad Mordechi, and rockets were flying into the Kibbutz every day from Hamas controlled Gaza. She planned to enroll in university upon arrival but decided to become a soldier instead. She was inspired by her step-father, a native Israeli. She proudly wants to serve her country. At first, this was a really hard choice. She didn't speak much Hebrew and had to enroll in ulpan (Hebrew immersion). She was then drafted into the Air Defense Command, charged with operating the Iron Dome system which protects Israelis from the very rockets she and her familiy were threatened by when they arrived in Israel. She hopes to become an Iron Dome commander one day and train others to save lives. Although she is not Jewish, she intends to convert. She says converting to Judaism, "just feels right."

  • What do you think were the hardest parts for Or when she moved to Israel? 
  • Why did she want to join the IDF? 
  • What makes her story unusual?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Nobel Prize Winners!

Article: Every year, Nobel Prizes are given to the most influential people in the world in various fields. This year, the Nobel Prize was given to at least four Jews, which is remarkable considering that out of the world's population, Jews make up less than 0.2%. The winners were physicist Francois Englert of Belguim, 80, a professor from Tel Aviv University and a Holocaust survivor; Chemistry Professor Arieh Warshel, an Israeli born on a kibbutz who now lives in the U.S.; Chemistry Professor Michael Levitt, a Jew from South Africa who made aliyah and now lives in the U.S. and Israel; and Chemistry Professor Martin Karplus, an Austrian Jew who fled to the U.S. before the Holocaust. They are all sharing the $1.25 million prize.

  • Some ask why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes, much more than statistically they should. Why do you think? What Jewish values do you think push Jews to excel in their chosen fields?
  • How did the Nobel Prize begin? The history is fascinating. Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor in the 1800s, was famous for inventing dynamite and other things used to to create weapons of destruction. He became very rich. One day, his brother died and by accident the newspaper printed Alfred's obituary with the title, "Merchant of Death Dies." Nobel was so disturbed that this was how he would be remembered, he changed his will and created the Nobel Prize, which annually awards a financial prize for intellectual and peace-seeking feats of excellence.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Israeli Spies Revealed to Iran

Article: Each country has spies that they send to find out information about other countries. Israel relies heavily on spied to protect itself and know what is going on in Arab countries. For decades, the Israeli Mossad has used Turkey as its base to meet with its spies, particularly those from Iran. Turkey apparently knew about this but kept quiet until recently, when they disclosed to Iran who Israel's Iranian spies were.

  • What is a spy? Give examples of how spies do their job.
  • When Turkey leaked the information of Israel's spies to Iran, who is this dangerous for? Who does this hurt? (The spies themselves; Israel; the Mossad agents)
  • What must Israel do now? (Find new spies) Will this be easy or hard? 
  • How can a country know that they can trust their spies?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Corruption; A Chinese Circus

Follow up to last week's video/article about the Palestinian Authority: According to a new report by the European Court, the PA has "lost" nearly €1.95 billion in aid money due to corruption and mismanagement. (Speak with kids about how much money this is and how sad it is that it has all been wasted; what can be done in the future, etc.)

Today's Article: My son requested a current event about animals. Here goes. In China, animal performances are outlawed. However, a circus was still scheduling animal performances. The shows would have included bears twirling flaming sticks while lying on their backs; tigers riding horses; moneys riding goats. Animal rights activists organized a boycott and succeeded in getting the circus to cancel its shows.

  • What is a boycott? Why are they successful? 
  • Why did these animal rights activists want to boycott the circus? How was it going to hurt/exploit animals? 
  • What is a way to have a circus without hurting animals? (Cirque du Soleil as an example)
  • Bonus: here's a video of a circus that doesn't hurt animals (but notice they dress up as animals)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bar Ilan's New Dean: A Female Haredi World-Renowned Mathematician

Article: Share this story with your kids of this remarkable woman. Last week, Malka Schaps became the first ultra-Orthodox woman in the world to be appointed dean at a major university, Bar Ilan. Until now, she has served as Bar Ilan's financial mathematics program head. Schaps is 65 years old and the grandmother of 17. Her story is remarkable.

Malka Schaps was born Mary Kramer, to a non-Jewish, non-religious Protestant home in Cleveland Ohio. Her father, a professor of American history, pushed her to excel academically. When she was 19 and in college at Swarthmore, she converted to Orthodox Judaism. She was inspired by her time as a foreign exchange student in Germany and her studies of the Holocaust. She met her husband, David, at college and they both did their graduate studies at Harvard. He is now a professor at Bar Ilan in the classics. They made aliyah in 1972. They live in Bnai Brak, where Schaps said most of the women have no idea of her career or would even be able to understand the type of math she does. She is the author of more than 50 academic papers, a globetrotting lecturer, and bestselling author (under the name Rachel Pomerantz) targeting Orthodox readers. They have two children and have fostered four other children. She encouraged her boys to serve in the Israeli army. She says that she does a lot of work by email, to accommodate her roles as mother and grandmother.  

Here's a picture.

Here's her books: and

Monday, October 14, 2013

UN Spread Deadly Disease in Haiti

Article: For the last three years, the nation of Haiti has been combating a deadly and highly contagious disease, cholera, known to be spread through human feces/poop. 1,000 Haitians are dying a year from this disease. An organization is suing the United Nations for bringing and spreading the disease in Haiti. Forensic studies have traced cholera to bad sanitation at the UN barracks of Nepalese peacekeeping workers. The feces fed into Haiti's largest river, used by locals for drinking and bathing. This led to the spread of cholera. The UN has responded that it is not responsible and if it is, the UN has diplomatic immunity from negligence lawsuits.

  • We have fancy and simple ways of saying the same words. "Poop" and "feces" is one example. Can you think of others? (Pretty/ravishing; sick/ill; doctor/physician)
  • How can feces contamination lead to terrible diseases? What do we do every day to prevent this? (Wash our hands after going to the bathroom)
  • Why are some people suing the UN? What do they want? (Money and acknowledgement of wrongdoing)
  • Why does "diplomatic immunity" mean? (That they aren't responsible when things go wrong because they are like a government). Why do you think of this idea? Discuss pros/cons. (U.N. may not be willing to help in countries if they didn't get diplomatic immunity)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What Does "Corruption" Mean?

Article: Today's topic is "corruption," particularly state corruption.

Watch this powerful 2 minute video with your kids and then discuss using the following pointers.

  • What does corruption mean? Corruption = "dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power."
  • A famous quote is "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." What does this mean? 
  • How does corruption happen? (Lack of accountability and/or absolute power) 
  • What are examples of how the Palestinian Authority is corrupt, as seen in the video? 
  • Why are people angry about this? What can be done? How do you hold a government accountable?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Disneyland: People with Disabilites Can Skip the Lines

Article: Starting today, Disneyland is launching a special ticket to people with disabilities. This ticket will enable them to skip the long lines by receiving a return time when they can come back and immediately jump on the ride. This is similar to the FastPass system that's universally available. Disneyland decided to start this new system because people were abusing the old system, which was that anyone with a disability could just skip the line and jump right to the front.

Discussion Questions:
  • What does it mean to have a disability? Name some examples. What is the "sign" of someone with a disability? (Blue sidewalk; wheelchair symbol)
  • Why do people with disabilities deserve to skip the line? (It's hard for them to wait, etc.)
  • What does it mean that people were "abusing" the old system?
  • What other solutions could Disneyland have found besides this new system? (Keep in mind Disneyland does not require proof of disability to receive a disability ticket) 
  • If you've been to Disneyland, do you remember seeing anyone with a wheelchair or visible disability there?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bad/Good? Analyzing a Story from Two Angles

Article: Last week, a boy from Minneapolis ran away from home. Video cameras show him at the airport, where he picked up a bag from a carousel and went to a restaurant to eat. He told the waiter/waitress that he had to go to the bathroom but never returned to the restaurant to pay or retrieve the bag. He then snuck through the security line and managed to board a plane going to Las Vegas without a ticket. Flight attendants became concerned during the flight when they realized he wasn't on the list of unaccompanied minors. They alerted the Las Vegas police, who waited for the flight to arrive and took the boy to Child Protective Services upon arrival. He is supposed to be reunited with his family.

Questions for Kids:
  • Name all the things this boy did but should not have done (running away; theft of suitcase; eating food without paying for it; theft of an airplane seat; boarding plane alone; etc.)
  • What could the airport have done to prevent this from happening? 
  • There is a concept in Judaism of giving someone the benefit of the doubt (dan lechav zchut). Give this the boy the benefit of the doubt. Why may he have done what he did? (He is mentally disturbed; he is developmentally disabled; he has a horrible family and was trying to get away from a bad situation, etc.)
  • Assuming his family is bad, what can be done to help this boy? Assuming his parents is good, what should they do?

Monday, October 7, 2013

European Council Passes Resolution Against Circumcision

Summary of Article: The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has adopted a non-binding resolution, forbidding circumcision (and female genital mutilation) unless the child is over age 15 and can consent. The resolution passed overwhelmingly. The goal of the resolution is to initiate public discussion that will eventually lead European states to outlaw circumcision. The Council of European is seen as the most preeminent body on democracy and human rights issues in Europe. While the resolution has no legal force, many European organizations fear that this will be perceived as a professional recommendation leading to a wave of anti-circumcision legislation across Europe. Some Jews fear that it is has anti-Semitic intent.

Discussion with Kids:

  • What is circumcision/brit millah/bris? Why do Jews practice this? (Covenant with God)
  • What other religion does this? (Muslim men, around age 13)
  • Why are some in Europe trying to stop this? Why would it be very hard to be a self-identified Jew in Europe if circumcision is prohibited? 
  • If you were living in Europe, what would you do? (Can talk about how many French Jews are now moving to Israel and America)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

El Al Catches Theives at Airport!

Welcome back from the Jewish holiday vacation! Let's ease back into discussing current events with a crime article...

Today's article: Passengers on El Al flights out of New York's JFK airport were complaining that items were missing from their luggage, particularly valuables. El Al decided to put a hidden camera in the luggage area and found 7 luggage handlers stealing valuables, including jewelry, watches, computers and cash, worth thousands of dollars! Some of these items were recovered at the handlers' homes.

Questions for Kids:
  • If you arrived at your destination after a flight and items were missing from your luggage, what would you do? How would you notify the airline? 
  • If you were in charge of El Al and realized you were getting lots of similar complaints, what action would you take? How long would you wait? 
  • What was the crime committed here? (Theft) What should be the handlers' punishment? (Jail time? Fines? Losing their jobs? Permanent stain on their employment records?)
  • What do you think will be hardest challenge for these handlers to overcome to get jobs in the future? What should they do about it? (Express remorse; be upfront; some may try to avoid putting it on their resumes, despite a law that says they have to if convicted of theft)

El Al video cameras have caught seven baggage handlers at JFK airport who stole passengers’ valuables, including cash, watches, computers and jewelry. The ariline became suspicious when a number of passengers complained about missing items. El Al placed a video camera in April to monitor the thieves and discovered they did more than just handle luggage. The film caught them stuffing their clothes with thousands of dollars of goods, some of which were later found in their homes by investigators.

Read more at:
El Al video cameras have caught seven baggage handlers at JFK airport who stole passengers’ valuables, including cash, watches, computers and jewelry. The ariline became suspicious when a number of passengers complained about missing items. El Al placed a video camera in April to monitor the thieves and discovered they did more than just handle luggage. The film caught them stuffing their clothes with thousands of dollars of goods, some of which were later found in their homes by investigators.

Read more at:
The ariline became suspicious when a number of passengers complained about missing items. El Al placed a video camera in April to monitor the thieves and discovered they did more than just handle luggage. The film caught them stuffing their clothes with thousands of dollars of goods, some of which were later found in their homes by investigators.

Read more at:
The ariline became suspicious when a number of passengers complained about missing items. El Al placed a video camera in April to monitor the thieves and discovered they did more than just handle luggage. The film caught them stuffing their clothes with thousands of dollars of goods, some of which were later found in their homes by investigators.

Read more at:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Come Back on Thursday...

I will resume blogging current events on Thursday, October 3! Stay Tuned!