Monday, June 10, 2013

Emerging Victorious After Brutal Wrestling Match

Summary of Article: At the Golden Grand Prix women's wrestling tournament in Italy, an Israeli, Ilana Kartysh, was up against an Egyptian, Enas Mostafa. As traditional in all wrestling matches, Ilana held out her hand to shake her opponent's before the match but Enas refused to shake it. While wrestling, Enas was particularly brutal, biting Ilana on the neck until she bled and breaking two of her fingers. Ilana said this only strengthened her resolve to win. And she won indeed, going on to win the gold medal! She stood proudly at the podium as the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, was played. Click on link for pictures.

Discussion with Kids:

  • Explain story.
  • Why is it traditional to shake hands before a match? (In other sports, all members of the team shake hands with all members of the other team after a match and say "good game.") What ethic is being reinforced? (Camaraderie, respect for your team mate and acknowledging his/her humanity, remembering that this is for healthy competition but also fun)
  • Why was it particularly insulting to Ilana that Enas refused to shake her hand? What could the referee have done? (Refused to let the game start until Enas shook her hand)
  • Why were Enas' actions wrong? (She didn't play "nicely")
  • Why did Ilana feel particularly proud to hear her national anthem played after Enas treated her this way? 
  • Did you ever have a time where someone didn't treat you nicely and it made you want to emerge victorious? 

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