Thursday, June 20, 2013

Israeli Family Saves Palestinian Boy's Life

Summary of Article: 3 year old Israeli boy, Noam Naor Z"L, fell from a window in his home two weeks ago and died. His parents decided to donate his two kidneys to other children who would otherwise die if they did not receive replacements. They donated one to an Israeli child and another to a Palestinian child who has been waiting for seven years for a good match for transplant. Thus, through Noam's death, he has saved two other children's lives.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Parents yell at kids a lot for doing all sorts of things. Sometimes the yelling is not for anything serious and sometimes it is. What are unsafe things that could happen in a house?
  • Tragically, something unsafe happened in Noam Naor's house. Explain what happened. 
  • When someone dies and their body was otherwise healthy, their body parts can be donated and given to people who need those parts to live. That is called organ transplant. Explain article. 
  • In what way was what Noam's parents did a mitzvah/good deed? Why was it amazing that it was for an Israeli child and a Palestinian child? 
  • Ask your parents if they are registered as organ donors if God forbid anything should happen/if they know anyone who has donated an organ or received a transplant and to tell the story.
  • For religious families, explain how organ donation can be done according to halacha. 

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