Thursday, June 6, 2013

Part II: Israel's Security Fence and African Migrants

In January, I posted a current event about Israel's new security fence along its southern border and efforts to keep out African migrants. Today's post is about new developments.

Summary of Articles: Israel is in negotiations with an African country--which one unknown--to transfer 35,000 Eritrean migrants currently living in Israel. The African country has said it will take the migrants so long as Israel gives them agricultural training first. Israel has also offered financial aid, medical assistance and infrastructure to any country that will take them in. Resettlement could take years. Prime Minister Netanyahu also recently commented that due to Israel's southern security fence, the number of infiltrators has steadily decreased. In May 2012, 1000 people entered Israel illegally and were detained, as opposed to two in May 2013. Netanyahu says they will work to repatriate them.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Review the current event from January 3 about Israel's security fence
  • Speak about the updates above
  • Why do African countries not want to take in the African refugees? (Money, refugee problems of their own, etc.)
  • Why do the refugees seek asylum in Israel? (Economic opportunity, fear of persecution in their homeland)
  • What has Israel offered in exchange for the refugees? Why would African nations want these things? 
  • What do you think Israel should do?

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