Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Follow Up: Supreme Court Decides Patent Case

Summary of Article: On April 10, we discussed a case before on the Supreme Court on whether genes can be patented. That case was decided last week. The Court ruled that human genes cannot be patented. However, the court said that if a version of the human genes could be created using synthetic materials, that could be patented. One one side, lawyers had argued that patents help spur medical innovation and investments that save lives. On the other side, lawyers argued that patents kept valuable information from patients. Lawyers for the ACLU lauded the decision, saying that it saves lives because patients will have greater access to genetic testing and scientists can study genes without fear of being sued for violating the patent.

Discussion with Kids:

  • Ask them if they remember the discussion about this case and to recap.
  • Have them argue for each side and guess what the court decided
  • Share the court decision and ACLU's argument as to why this is a good decision. 
  • Why would synthetic materials be different?

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