Thursday, June 13, 2013

Syrian Doctor Asks Israeli Doctors for Help

Summary of Article: Right now there is a civil war in Syria. On Tuesday, a Syrian man was brought to Israel in critical condition. He had gun shot wounds and shrapnel in his liver. There was a handwritten note from a Syrian doctor pinned to his clothing. The note said that the Syrian hospital--likely quite rudimentary--had tried to save this man's life with operations but could do no more for him. They hoped that Israel could save him. Israel brought the man to Tsfat, where he is now in stable condition. The Israeli doctor said that the interventions he had in Syria likely saved his life. Another Syrian patient brought into Israel had a live hand grenade in his pocket; Israel had to clear it before helping him. Israel has set up a makeshift hospital on the border between Syria and Israel to help treat some of the wounded.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Show on  map where Syria and Israel are. Explain briefly war history between Syria and Israel (1948, 1967, 1973, etc.--Syrian invasions. The two countries are not friends even though Israel would love to sign a peace treaty). Right now Syria is in a civil war (war between people who live in that country)
  • In war, people get hurt. Syria does not have so many hospitals to treat its wounded. Explain above story. 
  • Why is this story so unusual? This is extraordinary because Syria and Israel do not have diplomatic relations and Syria has recently sent missiles into Israel. Yet the Syrian doctor recognized that only Israel could probably help this man. It shows how individuals can transcend borders....
  • Show picture of note.

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