Friday, June 7, 2013

Israeli Soldier Evades Kidnapping with Help From Her Friends

Summary of Article: Three female Israeli soldiers were walking down the street toward their army base in Israel when a car with Arab men pulled up alongside of them. The men started following the girls and bothering them. One of the men tried to push one of the female soldiers into the car. She fought him; her friends pulled her toward them until they were able to rescue her. The car drove away and the police are looking for the suspects.

Discussion with Kids
  • Why do some Arab men want to capture Israeli soldiers? (Because they can try to ransom them--we'll only give you back this soldier if you give us someone in Israeli jail). 
  • There are many good Arab men, but what did these bad men try to do? How did the girls stop them? 
  • What did the girls do after they got away? (Went to the police) 
  • How are these girls good examples? (They walked in a group, they helped each other, they went to the police)
  • I'm going to tell my kids the following: if a bad guy ever tries to get you into his car, you think of these Israeli girl soldiers and do the same thing: fight, push, scream for help, and then call the police. These soldiers are a great example of how you fight bad guys. The girls probably weren't as strong as the men, but by sticking together and fighting, they succeeded.

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