Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wolves Making a Reapperance

Summary of Article: For years, grey wolves have been declared endangered in most of continental America. As a result, it has been forbidden to hunt them. However, the government now plans to lift that ban, finding that the wolves have recovered and are no longer endangered. Many protest this development. Some say that the wolves need to be watched closely, because in one night, a wolf pack could destroy dozens of a farmer's livestock. Others question what is means to be "recovered," with government officials saying that a wolf doesn't have to occupy all of a habitat for it to be recovered.  and others saying that it does. Hunters welcome this news, as a chance to hunt wolves again. See article for a picture.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Wolves were declared "endangered" in America for a long time. Why? How does this happen that animals become endangered? 
  • Now, wolves are being declared "recovered." What does this mean? How does this happen?
  • Some argue that wolves should still be seen as endangered. What are their reasons? 
  • Some want wolves to be off the endangered list. Why would they want that? (Mainly to hunt)
  • Where do wolves like to live? Why are farmers often worried about wolves?

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