Monday, June 3, 2013

Obituary: Remebering Senator Frank Lautenberg

Summary of Article: Senator Lautenberg, a Jewish Senator of New Jersey for over 30 years, died today at 89.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Tell story of Lautenberg's upbringing: Lautenberg grew up in Paterson, N.J. (show on map), the son of poor Poland and Russian immigrants.He served in the army in World War II, then went to Columbia on the G.I. bill, studying economics. (Discuss the G.I. bill; how did it help army veterans post-army?) 
  • He served as head of the United Jewish Appeal, substantially increasing the charitable intake. What does this mean? Why is it good? He became a beloved Senator of NJ for over 30 years.
  • Lautenberg used to say that his parents "could not pass on valuables, but left me a legacy of values."What does this mean? 
  • As a Senator, he helped bring about well-known legislation, including laws banning smoking on planes, bringing the drinking age to 21 and banning convicted domestic abusers from owning guns. He is most famous for the "Lautenberg Amendment," a law which eases rules on immigration to the U.S. for those seeking asylum from religious persecution; the law was passed in particular to help Soviet Jews seeking to flee Russia. How did it help them? 
  • If you were a U.S. Senator, what would you want to do to help America? 

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