Tuesday, June 4, 2013

U.S. Leaks Sensitive Information About Israel

Summary of Article: The U.S. has promised to help Israel build a special ballistic missile, called the Arrow 3. It would be made in a special facility called Tel Shahar. But the Administration revealed all the details of the facility --its cooling and heating systems, its wall specifications -- making the facility open to easy attack. Israel is very upset about this. The U.S. says it is standard practice to reveal facility specifications in order to get competing bids for its construction. The Facility is supposed to be top secret and is in great need because of Iran's budding nuclear program.

Discussion with Kids:

  • Israel wants to build a special weapon, called a ballistic missile, to protect itself against Iran.  
  • Why do you think the missile has been named "Arrow 3"? (Perhaps it will be shaped like an arrow; it will be thrown like an arrow; it is the 3rd one in its class?) 
  • The U.S. has expertise to help Israel build it. But it told the world where the missile is going to be built. Why is Israel upset that the information was revealed? 
  • What do you think the U.S. said in its defense? 
  • What does it mean to get competing bids for a project? 
  • If you were Israel, what would you do now that the information was revealed? 

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