Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Traveling by Tube Instead of Airplane?

Summary of Article: A new company, ET3, is planning a new transportation system, called an Evacuated Tube Transit. It is a tube that goes at high speed and uses magnetic levitation. It can travel 4,000 miles/hour, seat 6 and has room for baggage. It could go from NY to LA in 45 minutes (it currently takes 5+ hours) or from New York to China in 2 hours. They would be set up like freeways and to people traveling inside, would feel like being in a car on a freeway. Initially, they would be used to transport cargo. Click here for a picture of what it would look like.

Discussion with Kids:
  • What are different ways to travel far away? (Boat, train, car, airplane). What are advantages and disadvantages to each type? (Time, motion sickness, risk of accident, comfort, etc.) Explain how each evolved in time (first boat travel between continents, trains for cross-continental, then cars, then airplanes).
  • What is your favorite way to travel and why? 
  • Explain above idea by CEO Daryl Oster. 
  • What do you think of this idea? What are pros/cons? 
  • If you could make a new type of way to travel, what would it be? What would it look like?

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